Generation Citizen Condemns Trump Administration’s Directive to Exclude Undocumented Americans from 2020 Census Count
22 July 2020
Generation Citizen (GC) strongly condemns President Trump’s directive ordering the Commerce Secretary to exclude undocumented Americans from being counted in the 2020 U.S. Census.
As an organization that works with thousands of students whose families and communities would be adversely impacted by the President’s order, we are deeply concerned about the implications of this policy decision. The directive is unconstitutional and ignores the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year to reject the Administration’s effort to add a citizenship question to the Census. The practical implication of this directive is that it could deter participation and is being used as a scare tactic.
The Constitution commands that “all persons” be counted in the Census. Redistricting law for over half a century has directed population counts for apportionment to be of all “persons.” For the Administration to exclude unauthorized immigrants from the scope of “all persons” through this directive gives credence to the criticism that the President is dehumanizing immigrants.
GC is committed to assisting in the national effort for all persons to be counted in the Census. To that end, GC created our Talking about Cens-US resources to educate youth, teachers and caregivers about the Census and urges everyone to complete the Census form to ensure an accurate and complete count.
Participation in the Census determines apportionment of Congressional districts and representation in the electoral college. It also determines billions of dollars in federal and state budgetary decisions. The Census should not be political or partisan. It is an important part of the foundation of our democracy. Generation Citizen rejects any efforts to weaken the impact of the Census and calls on Congress to deny funds to the Commerce Department to implement this unconstitutional and unwise directive.